
Monday, October 4, 2010

Is my brother smarter than a hamster? (Two revisits)

I'm sorry for the void of reviews that September left in its wake but wanted to follow up with some revisits.

Sometimes I feel like Bart in the Simpsons episode where Lisa's science project is called "Is my brother smarter than a hamster?" Particularly, I identify with the scene where she has a cupcake hooked up to electricity and Bart keeps grabbing it despite being repeatedly shocked.

It was with this sentiment that I returned to Civilization and Boca Fiesta for my 5th and 6th attempts respectively.

Civilization Revisit:

I've been told that their lunch menu is really great and far superior to the dinner offering. Being in the neighborhood and out of ideas, I decided to head back. Keep in mind, despite giving them a bad thumb rating, they're not a bad restaurant, per se. They're mostly just not good. I've never been impressed with their offerings and I've tried multiple items on their menu (meat and veg options too). Being a sucker for any Tex Mex dish with sweet potato, I went for the sweet potato and black bean burrito with avocado, rice, and other tex-mexy ingredients (i'm remembering tomatoes and a salsa verde too). It came out looking pretty good and was pressed, which is a nice touch on a burrito. It was decent, but not great. Parts of it had a bizarre unidentifiable flavor which I later attributed to the salsa verde. The portion was tremendously huge and I could have probably gotten by on just a half, but I ate the whole thing. It wasn't bad but really wasn't anything special, which totally sums up this whole restaurant.

Bottom (reconfirmed) line: Civilization is a lackluster waste of time, money, and food.

Boca Fiesta Revisit:

I swore to never go here again and never miss an opportunity to openly deride it when friends bring it up, yet I found myself at lunch here yet again. The sole reason was because I was joining some friends who were already going there and I didn't want to be rude and try to move their party on my behalf. It looked like they improved their menu a little bit and made it somewhat easier to read. They also added extra choices for their sides. I decided on fish tacos and waited an hour for them to appear.

The tacos were actually quite good and I had no complaints about them. For my sides, I got watermelon and mashed sweet potatoes. The watermelon came with a bizarre sprinkling of some flavorless breading which my eating companions joked was poison because the staff knew of my previous review. The sweet potato mash was pretty average to bland and probably the least impressive part of the meal.

Being shocked at the increase in quality of the tacos, I still wasn't wooed by the place, as it took an hour to get our food. We were a bigger party than average and after all, it does take alot of time to put beans and other pre-prepared ingredients into some tortillas and then place them onto a plate. The service staff was still borderline unsanitary and unapologetically slow/apathetic. When it came time to pay, I had to use my debit card, and after everyone else received theirs back to sign, I realized that the waiter forgot mine. I had to go to the bar and get him to hunt it down so I could leave.

Despite the pretty good fish tacos, I really hate everything about this place.


  1. Solution: start with a margarita (mint is my favorite) next time. The cilantro-lime vinaigrette is also quite tasty (on a side salad, of course). I also appreciate the variety of meats they offer--- where else in Gainesville can you get rabbit, kangaroo, ostrich or even venison?

    Oh, and glad to hear they've got some new sides. Can't wait to try them when I come back!

  2. I agree with you on hating everything else! I've attempted 3 events here- various going way/birthday parties, and each time I've begged and pleaded for them to split the checks. They apparently can't when you get to a group larger than 8. Or 8.Or 7...I always dread the after dinner, mildly tipsy math of sorting out the bill, and then of course they take about an hour to bring everyone's change....
