
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Burrito Brothers

1402 W. University Avenue
(behind the presbyterian student center)

3.5 thumbs up (a good meal, not terribly authentic, but satisfying nonetheless)

Price Range: Pretty cheap. A big ol burrito will run you about 5 bucks.

Menu Highlights: Beef and bean burrito. Sweet Potato Burrito

Burrito Brother is a longstanding tradition in the Gainesville Student Food scene. Currently, it's housed in the back of the Presbyterian Student Center on the corner of 14th and University Ave. For those of you old enough to remember, it used to sit right on 13th in a tiny walk in storefront just north of University. There were no seats, only 5 people could comfortably fit inside, and it was classic.

This was one of the first traditional Gainesville eateries that I ever went to. To be honest, I wasn't wowed at first. You could say that Burrito Brothers was my introduction to the Gainesville spin on food. It certainly isn't legit Tex Mex, but rather some guy in the middle of north central Florida's take on it. The spices weren't authentic, the sauces weren't traditional, and the ingredients weren't what you'd normally expect. It was blander, simpler, less exotic, and totally Gainesville.

Despite my initial shock, I grew to love this place. I'd frequently get a beef and bean burrito to go and sit on a nearby friend's porch, applying the enchilada-esque sauce to each bite. One burrito would keep you full for hours, and visiting the old storefront really gave you a legitimate insider's feel.

As I graduated and moved farther away from town, I neglected their offerings for more convenient choices, but every now and then I remember how much joy their bizarelly rice paper-like tortillas brought me.

Today, as I cruised 13th for a quick bite, burrito fate called my name. I ordered the sweet potato burrito, which features sweet potatoes, black beans, Jack cheese, lettuce and roasted corn salsa. As always, I asked for a side of red sauce. It's kinda like a ketchupier version of enchilada sauce. Regardless, it's good. The burrito was great and filling, and I really enjoyed it. I could have used a bit more flavor out of it, but re-read paragraph two if you need to.

Look at it this way. The place is a tradition. They make good food. It certainly isn't authentic, but I think they get the job done.

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